Monday, August 29, 2005


I've been busy. Really busy. Last week was the killer, but I survived through it. It could turn out differently, but it happened the way it happened. I guess that's fate for you.

I've submitted my narrative to apply for PMS. I read a few others and some were better, some need more. but almost all of them unique and special. It is about who the writer is anyway. Most of us probably have some reason, but I still haven't found mine yet. Truly.

What I wrote in my narrative is just the superficial part. But one part remains true, my feelings about children. Ever since that day, I can't pass by children clinging onto their mothers without thinking, "Let me impart my knowledge to the child, may he get something like what I had and having." I guess one can see it as an act of cockyness to think that I am so smart to 'impart' knowledge to. I'm not. I can't explain it, but I do it. I wish the best to them, get a good education, be thoughtful and rational, many freinds. I really do wish to see them successful. I don't know why.

Probably half of them will turn out bad, if not all of them. By bad, I mean bad. I mean drug addicts, rapists, con-men, corrupt politicians, money-minded businessmen... There is no place for sainthood in this world. It's a little sad. I really want to change and I hope I am doing it right.

I've watched House, Scrubs, and they showed one thing, that medicine is run like a business. Insurance is an important factor to see who gets the treatment first. Who has the money would get the treatment first, who has a big name gets the treatment first. Of course there are doctors like Dr. House and Dr. Cox, who defy the admin to get their patients the treatment they deserve. Who is wrong then? The admin, or the doctors who break the rules to treat the patient. Is this what separates the good doctors and the bad ones?

But still, the world has more corrupted, money minded people and how many actually genuinely want to help people anymore? After reading some narratives, I am a little happier, and I hope that those people follow what they write. It's a start.

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