Monday, May 22, 2006

One time, at Med camp...
(pictures in a while)

I just got back form Med camp. It has everything to do with medic, but not much of the knowledge stuff. We did things related to medic. On the first day, we had an intern to talk to us about what he has done and what installed for us. The next day we had lecturers telling us about what we can do as doctors aside from medicine, like relief work and research. We even had the person who discovered H. Pylori, Robin Warren, come talk to us. On the last day, we had a psychiatrist come in and tell us about treatments that we would never ever think of but was proven to work.

We also managed to do some suturing on poor pork limbs. We also had a little bit of Yoga. We wrapped ourselves in plaster and bandages...

The nights were filled with fun activities. We played poker, basketball, soccer... Sat by the campfire... explored the beach in the middle of the night... and played with two little kids. I guess the highlight of the camp was the quiz in the second night. No, not the medic based stuff you would think, but stuff like sports, music, things about the batch, and things about the country. I had fun doing the puzzles and I still have not gotten the answer for: 7 C___ in the B___ and 22 P___ on a S___ H____.

The grand prize was a Harrison's.

It was a fun time at Med camp.

oh yeah, I've seen some blogs having these little things somewhere and I've decided to add it in too:
Currently reading: Life of Pi, Yann Martel
Currently listening: Teardrop, by Massive Attack (just love the beats)
Currently playing: World of Warcraft
Currently watching: House, Lost
Anime watching: Tactics, Fate Stay Night, Bleach
Currently studying: General Medicine

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