I've decided that I have a fear of phone calls. I tried googling for the correct term, but the closest I got to it was telephobia, which is a fear of telephones... and nomophobia, whis is the fear of being OUT of reach by phone (eg. no batt, out of coverage).
I used to like phone calls, coz it is always someone familiar, something good or exiting... partially coz I don't have that much people wanting to call me, but it is always nice.
I also agreed with my GP teacher that people who break up over the phone or sms because of not answering the phone are really dumb... until I experience it for myself. I look back and sometimes I can say, teacher, you probably never experience it before. Sometimes I say, teacher, you're right that these people are stupid and shallow.
I thought it all ended... until last year when the fear arose again. After my end of year exams, that one dreaded phone call shook the core of my soul. I lost my appetite for... well... til now still.
It worsened when I moved to my new place with new home line and all that. I started to recieve all types of phone calls, from telemarketers and from people I don't really want to talk to.
Yet, I do not turn off my phone.
Maybe I should turn it off... and MSN too...
Oh well...
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