Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Gulliver's Travels

I have to say, I didn't enjoy the movie. I only remember 2 things that were funny enough to laugh out loud. Rest of it was painful, and a complete waste of 3D effects. Even the introduction short film, Scrat's Adventures, was a pathetic waste of 3D resources. You would not know the difference if it was in 2D. Really. Wasteful. Painful.

I also this remake of a classic. Jack Black's character just reminds me of Ben Stiller's movies, which is really annoying. It's just about a guy who tries so hard to be someone he is not, trying to act cool or macho without the desired effect, and just digs his own grave even deeper.

Yes, it spawned from insecurity and cowardice, something I am very familiar with. But this is just an extreme of what is capable. I guess that is my take home message from the movie, be honest even though it hurts your ego.

So the two funny parts:
Gulliver putting out the fire
Re-invention of brand names and slogans. G-pod.

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