Thursday, October 20, 2005

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

Why I like this movie? Coz it potrays my all time favourite hero, Robin Hood. This movie is a 'remake' from the normal story line, with additions of new allies like Azeem and enemies like the witch... It gives off a deeper meaningful movie rather than the normal hero saves the day thing.

Nobles aren't born, they are made...
A man defending his homeland, his honour is stronger than 10 hired guards...

Oh, racism and religion also comes in here. It really shows how people can be so ignorant and so quick to judge the other side when they themselves are like that. Call the muslims cruel and stuff, but the english were the ones cruel and Azeem was the one saving people and delivering babies.

Which reminds me of an episode of House MD. A racist black guy who refuses treatment that helps black people. Says it's a racist drug. The issue of racism has been so great in the past, that even in this modern times, people can still be racist even though there is nothing to be racist about.

Anyway, this is me in the midst of studying for a test tomorrow. I watch movies and TV series... My problem is I have this severe chronic headache. ok, maybe not severe, but it's there... I can't concentrate on my studies and the only way I get to relieve my headache is by watching something, sleeping or playing something. Alas, with playing a first-person shooter, dizzyness will arise later... So either way, I don't get much studying done. Kind of like a paradox. Ironic, isn't it.

I'd better get back to studying...

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