Quoting Stephen Hawkings... nah, I'm talking about a different 'The Big Bang Theory'. It is a sitcom that airs before HIMYM, another favourite of mine. The basic idea of the show is about 4 nerds/geeks who, despite their academic brilliance, are idiots around beautiful girls, like their neighbour. Their neighbour, Penny, is one hot babe. Seriously.
What makes me laugh at myself though, is how much I see myself in their shoes and well, that I actually understood everything they said. Yes I mean stuff like 'Doppler Effect' and 'Schrodinger's Cat' and their various Star Trek, Planet of the Apes and Comic book quotes.
This is like a total opposite of HIMYM with Barney's ever flirtatious comments, with the stuttering and blank faces when confronted by a girl. The most hilarious moments are when the 4 of them huddle up together playing Halo or building some interesting contraption and when Penny exclaims out 'I'm taking off my clothes now,' and NO ONE pays attention.
Maybe it is just me in this particular time, but I feel so connected to them. I am also shy around girls, especially around the ones I like or those I don't know. Of course I don't go silent like Rajesh or spew out random flirting quotes like Howard, but I still have difficulty talking and entertaining them. My father once told me an acronym for conversation topics, WONDERFUL:
W - eather (eg. This is like the coldest day ever!)
O - ccupation (eg. What do you do for a living?)
N - ews (eg. Hey, did you see the Olympic Opening Ceremony the other day?)
D - ay (eg. How's your day been?)
E - xtol and compliment (eg. I love those shoes! Where did you get them?)
R - ecreation (hobbies, movies, music, etc)
F - ood (eg. I miss Malaysian food)
U - seful/useless Information (kinda like this post...)
L - ife and Love (eg. My girlfriend knitted this sweater for me)
I still haven't mastered it yet. But by just KNOWING the theory behind it, I am proud to say that I am a NERD!
Monday, August 11, 2008
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