Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Mist

The Mist is a film adaptation of Stephen King's novella with the same name. Yes, a novella is shorter than a novel... but longer than a novelette.

Anyway, the most striking feature about this story is how different people react in FEAR. I just find it interesting to find out how you would see yourself as one of the characters in the movie. After you've decided, 'Yeah, that's who I want to be,' the ironic thing is at the end of the movie...

In fear and panic situation there would almost always be:

1. The Unlikely Hero - This is the person who just does the right things at the right place at the right time. Just like Die Hard. There are other people in the same situation, but his/her actions would make people listen and follow him/her.

2. The Biblical Preacher - This would be the person who starts preaching that whatever is happening is an act of God. He/she believes that they are being punished for all the sins that they have committed and begs everyone to repent and seek salvation. Depending on how psychotic the person is, the situation may blow out of proportion.

3. The Unbeliever - This is the person who is denial and still believes that it is just a prank. He/she believes that nothing is wrong and everything will be ok. He/she argues ardently and may turn violent until he/she: A. dies or B. believes.

4. The Wannabe Hero - This is the person who wants to be of use and tries desperately to help. He/she would be thinking of various plans or gadgets to annoy people and usually does not help the situation. It is usually potrayed as a young teenager who ultimately gets in the way and die.

5. The I-Told-You-So - This is a very annoying character. All he/she does is to spew out comments stating the obvious. He/she would bad mouth anyone and will dampen any spirit. In a movie, you would wish that the character would died early and usually would get cheers from the audience whence he/she dies.

6. The Lovers - This is the couple in the situation. The female counterpart would usually be protected by her male counterpart, or find out that he's a selfish prick. If the situation allows, they would be making out or having sex somewhere. In the movies, they would die during, or after sex.

7. The Scardy Cat - This is probably where most of us sit. He/she would be terrified of the situation and resort to hiding in a corner in fetal position. He/she would not want to move from the spot and would not listen to anyone, no matter how logic it is. In hopeless situations and if the person is depressed enough, he/she would commit suicide.

Every panic movie would potray these 7 roles or a mix of them. There can even be more than one person in a particular role.

In The Mist, there was a scene discussing the reactions that were happening and how it will lead to people killing one another. Like in The Lord Of The Flies. One guy pointed out that it was in their nature to react that way... bringing in religion and politics as examples. If it happens at times out of crisis, then what more when IN crisis? Even with a common enemy, people will still have different view points and sides will be taken.

Anyway, a good psych watch for me. And if you do plan to watch it, take note of the ironic scene at the end. It is so ironic that it is not funny at all.

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