Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Budget Flights

I hate budget flights. Yes, they are cheap. But I think I prefer comfort more.
Back in the mid year holidays, I was saved by having the seat where the emergency exits were. They had more leg space and I was comfortable.

However, my other experience with budget flights left me with crowded spaces. The worst was Air Asia with the 'reclining' chairs actually reduce the space that you have. And in the end, it was still not reclined enough to get a good night's rest. Not to mention the lack of entertainment. I could not find the catalogue to buy stuff from, and the pay-per-view entertainment was not good enough. Even though I bought a novel to read on the flight, I was too tired to read it. Unfortunately, it was not comfortable enough to sleep either. In summary, I hated the flight.

I am not the only one who complained though. It also appeared in one of the editorials in 'The Star.'

Yes I am pampered. Someday, I will get my own jet.

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