Saturday, January 31, 2009

Not Happy New Year

I haven't spend Chinese New Year with my family in ages. I cannot remember when it was. Everything was still the same routine, but it felt all new to me. Partially because of so many new additons to the family. And this time round, I also had to drive a lot more in the dangerous roads of Malaysia... As of today, The Star records a total of 14 fatalities from 937 accidents and 11,126 summons from Ops Sikap XIX.

Driving is hazzardous. While I was cruising along just under the speed limit, out shoots cars both on the right AND left (yes, even the emergency lane) with speeds of over 140kmph. I wouldn't mind them usually, but what they do is to turn on their headlights so that you can see them coming from behind. If you pretend not to see, they drive so close to your car, you feel as though they are breathing down your neck. As if we don't need to go to where we want to go in a hurry.

I am also very annoyed at those cars who decide to take the emergency lane to zoom past the queue to get to the head of the line, bypassing a few hours wait. We were already 1 hour in the jam, moving slowly in que, when we see a third lane forming before our eyes. If you imagine, the gate only allows two lanes in, and those in the third lane cutting in at the beginning of the que, making those who are already in the line wait longer. Not only does the authorities not punish them, but even started directing traffic so that the third lane is allowed in. Oh yeah, not to mention, the third lane was the bus lane, and so the busses make the 4th lane and cars follow them... and... you can guess the rest.

So my thoughts are, that those who are ruthless, cut queues, and have no regards for traffic rules get where they want easier than those who follow rules. Why bother having rules.

And don't get me started with breaking rules and bribes. As if this country has any integrity at all. I mean look at the politics.

I feel that drivers think only for themselves and never give a moment's thought to other road users. If someone gives you way for you to cut in, it is because you're 'pro' at cutting in. If someone doesn't, he's an asshole. The only thing preventing accidents from happening is you not wanting your own car to get damaged.

If you remember from 'A Beautiful Mind', where John Nash gets the idea for governing dynamics and his Nash Equilibrium, if that is applied to driving, I am pretty sure that everyone will be a safer driver and everyone will be happy. But as of now, I conclude that most drivers a selfish pricks.

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