Sunday, July 17, 2005

Fate is a funny thing. Call it whatever you want, but I feel that everything happens for a reason and it's somehow destined to happen.

Fate, it seems, have brought me back to Singapore... I am here, no longer in dreams, but physically here. The last time I was here was... well, a few months ago. The more I miss Singapore, it seems like I wanted to come back here. But when I'm finally here... I'm stuck in the house. And what could possibly deter me from venturing out into the streets of Singapore??


Yup, I have the book, and I am reading it as fast as I can. I'm now at page 167 out of 607 pages. I told myself before this that I will try to refrain myself from buying the book until the cheaper (by less than HALF the price), but I couldn't. I have the book, and I didn't pay a single cent for it. Ain't it great?

Back to the book then...

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