Sunday, July 17, 2005

I've done it. I've done it... I finished it.

It's... well... definitely better than the 5th book... I predicted that she's pick on the small small stuff being mentioned, but this time, everything gets revealed and picks on the LARGER stuff... This was better than expected, had the twists and everything...

But I'm quite disappointed with her and her use of "snog". a little bit too much. It was definitely a built up from the 2nd book. I'm disappointed as the rate at it was going. like daisies...

Oh well, I can't spoil anything as it would probably breach the copyright and stuff...

the ending though... All I can say is I will definitely buy the last book myself. I want to know the continuation. I need to know. It's a must to know. It's information worth waiting for. though I am afriad of it's outcome.

... to Harry's coming of age

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