Monday, July 04, 2005

It's weird when you have the same dream three nights in a row... Ironic thing is that I cannot remember what the dream is... I know there is running around.

I wake up constantly tossing and turning around trying to get the mosquitos off my feet. My bed broke. I have a cold.

Strange that there are now mosquitos in my bedroom. I wonder how they got there, when before this they did not exist up this high. While I was at my computer yesterday, I smack one poor critter and manage to damage his legs and wings... Interesting to see a thorax and abdomen full of my blood, with no head or legs or wings... Just a balloon of blood. I gave it a little squeeze and some blood oozed out. I'm keeping the rest as a symbol to the other mosquitos to STAY AWAY.

I think the dreams started out with me watching War of the Worlds. It's a movie of great graphics but not so good choice of cast. Though I should comment on Dahkota Fanning on her 'natural' act. Anyway, the movie has a lot of violence... not from the aliens, but from the people themselves. In acts of desperation, it's everyone for himself. The need for survival. Adam Smith... But John Nash says everyone for himself too, but while doing that, we should help one another. Ah, nice music from Beautiful Mind during that revelation...

Back to War of the Worlds, it's mostly about surviving, and what people do to survive. Desperation. It brings out qualities in many of us... Heroism, hopelessness, terror, retaliation...

Then again, because of my Lord of the Ring's marathon, it could also have affected my dreams... Heroism... sigh...

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