Saturday, July 09, 2005

Year 2
The year started out great. I was appointed to be the vice chairperson of the Block. I used to doubt my leadership skills as I was the teacher's son before in Malaysia, and everything was because my father and mother are well known in the town. But now, on my own accord, I see how much a leader I really am. Our first task for the term was to organise the formal dinner in my boarding, and to show the video that we started producing last year.

Apart from that, as a house senior, we had to come up with various duty rosters and other administration stuff. As house seniors also, juniors started comnig up to us for help. I really felt like I have grown up...

Also, I was elected as the class Treasurer, another time where my leadership skills were tested. I get a new collar pin, and I was proud of it. So I decided I needed more pins and joined other clubs so that I can get the pins. Another club which I joined was the Archives club. OK, it was mostly becuase of my friend, Teddy. He was a prefect and president of the club. He was also in the track team and plays badminton. HE was a leader, and RI produces them.

Despite the Exam year, I was getting busier and busier. Apart from the things I already joined, I joined the Raffles Players (a drama club). I really felt like expanding my interests and broaden my experiences. There were so many things that I wanted to do, but there was just too little time.

Towards the end of the year, everything that I did paid off... Although I was disappointed because I couldn't become a committee member of any club, I still worked hard in the Interact Club, and in the end, I was awarded the Interactor Award. I am not bragging, but that was how much I did charity work and I miss having that feeling of doing good.

The Trial Exams were tough. I failed a subject. I had to go through a crash course and had to study extra hard. With the help of friends, I managed to pull it through.

Another hard time was the decision of which Junior College to go to. All I can say is that I may have choosen on the wrong reason. This was the saying that was told to everyone, "To be a big fish in a small pond, or a small fish in a big pond." I chose the former.

And that was it. My most Exciting, Thrilling, Fulfiling, Wonderful year of my life.

And from the next year onwards, it will be a rollercoster ride of emotions...

...and on to the next year
O-levels came at last and this was my first MAJOR exam.

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